Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea sulphurica(Dilution)

Common Name: Sulphate of Calcium.

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea sulphurica

Mind and head

Confusion of mind in the morning on waking and again in the evening. 

Always in a hurry, Impatient, Feeble minded.

Heaviness in the forehead and occiput with and Itching, burning, of the scalp.

The headache comes on from becoming cold, and yet the headache when on is ameliorated in the cool air is relieved with Calcarea sulphurica

Eyes, Nose, Ear

Itching and burning, aggravated in the morning. 

Pressing pain in the eyes in the evening with Soreness to touch is checked with Calcarea sulphurica

Discharge from the ears, offensive and purulent.

Aching pain in the ear, soreness and enlargement of the right parotid with eruptions behind the ear.

Coryza, with discharge, ameliorated in the open air. Dry coryza. 

The discharge from the nose is bloody, excoriating, offensive, purulent, thick, yellow and greenish yellow.

Mouth and Throat

Calcarea sulphurica is useful in dryness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and of the tonsils. 

Rawness in the throat, Soreness of the throat. Stitching pains in the throat with difficulty in swallowing is relieved with Calcarea Sulph.

Stomach And Abdomen

Eructations after eating, empty eructations. Eructations acrid, bitter, foul, sour indicates Calcarea sulphurica

Burning pain, cramping, cutting, gnawing, pressing, after eating.

In the abdomen there is great coldness, with distension, after eating. 

There is pain in the liver, pressing, soreness, stitching.

Stool and Anus

Difficult stool and Insufficient stool. Pain during and after stool. Burning pain during stool.

In the rectum there is formication and intense itching, Aggravated after eating ever so little

External piles, Pressing, stitching and soreness in the anus.

Female complaints

Excoriation of the labia, Inflammation of the labia, with suppuration is relieved with Calcarea sulphurica

White discharge before and after menses, absent menses. 

Useful in Delayed first menses of girls, Calcarea sulphurica helps to initiate.

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