Warsaw Military Journal. 1899. September. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Varshavskiy voennyy zhurnal. 1899 g. Sentyabr.Warsaw Typography of the District Staff of 1890. Should there be in our cavalry of the peak?. Position of serfdom in the period 1874-98. Critical sketch of military operations in Asian Turkey in 1877-1878 (Translation by W. Klembowski). P. Heisman: French infantry combat regulations. F. Orlov: Pushkin in military literature. V. Kharkevich: Memories of Kolachkovsky (On the Patriotic War of 1812). Notes: Signs-as a convenient way to command the artillery masses. Military affairs of foreign states: On the German high-speed field cannon., J. Yelets: Among the Spanish troops., Military Notices from Austria-Hungary. Bibliography: Puzyrevsky: Naval Force, F. Bley in translation by Volf and Shidlovsky, Suhomlino. SKUalb80a3ffdc03dcf2e4.