Voronikhin S.N. Law of December 20, 1912 on the cessation of temporarily obligatory and dependent relations of peasants and settled with landlords and landowners in Tiflis, Kutaisi, Erivan, Elisavetopol and Baku gebernias. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Voronikhin S.N. Zakon 20 dekabrya 1912 goda o prekrashchenii vremenno-obyazatelnykh i zavisimykh otnoshenii krestyan i poselyan k pomeshchikam i zemlevladeltsam v Tiflisskoy, Kutaisskoy, Erivanskoy, Elisavetopolskoy i Bakinskoy geberniyakh.By means of the purchase of plots of property with the assistance of the government, with the decisions of the Governing Senate, instructions and rules issued in pursuance of this law, circulars and clarifications of the Main Caucasus Command for Tiflis. SKUalb7289fe5cbba0d3dc.