Hydrolysis Industry of the USSR. # 1-6 for 1948 (annual kit). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Gidroliznaya promyshlennost SSSR. # 1-6 za 1948 god (godovoy komplekt).Scientific and Technical Journal of the Main Department of Hydrolysis and Sulphite-Alcohol Industry under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Moscow 1948. Prof. V.S. Chuenkov will give the country more alcohol. V.K. Nizovkin Flotation method of alcohol determination. Mikhailov M.I. Cleaning ethanol from methanol. N.N. Shorygin N.N. On the question of the structure of lignin. A.M. Feldshtein What should be a new hydrolysis plant. P.N. Fischer P.N. New scheme of yeast production. A.M. Malkov A.M. Cleaning the barda in yeast production. Andreev K.P. Analysis of the work of the exhaustive column. Plushkin E.Z. About obtaining pentoz. Malkov A.M. Ways to increase the yield of alcohol and improve its quality.. SKUalb95653c454380cb0f.