Ensemble: (unfinished diary...): memories of the glorious creative path of the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Ural and now Volga-Ural Military District from notes by ensembles of different years (1939-2009). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ansambl: (neokonchennyy dnevnik ...): vospominaniya o slavnom tvorcheskom puti Ansamblya pesni i plyaski Uralskogo, a nyne Privolzhsko-Uralskogo voennogo okruga iz zapisok ansamblistov raznykh let (1939-2009).To the 70th Anniversary of the Ensemble. Compiled by S. Dovgalyuk, E. Aptekar. Ekaterinburg. 2009. 224 p.. SKUalbf087345ac2c68d21.