Questions of History # 2-12 for 1946. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Voprosy istorii # 2-12 za 1946 god. Journal. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of History. M Pravda 1946. P. Smirnov (Prof.) The formation of a Russian centralized state in the fourteenth-fifteenth centuries. N. Graziansky (Prof.) Crusade of 1147 against the Slavs and its results. S. Nikitin S. Russian politics in the Balkans and the beginning of the Eastern War. S. Yushkov (Prof.) On the question of a pre-feudal (barbaric) state. J. Manandyan (Prof.) Purpose and directions of Neros Caucasian campaign. A. Yakubovsky (Prof.) Timur (Prof.) Mavrodin V. On the emergence of firearms in Russia. V. Bonch-Bruevich V. From Peter Is neoplegic correspondence on alliance with England (episode from the Northern War).. SKUalb33f9b12b1a2ac231.