Equisetum(Mother Tincture)

Tincture of fresh plant chopped and pounded to a pulp.

Common Name: Scouring-rush

Other Name: Equisetum hyemale

Causes & Symptoms for Equisetum hyemale

A remedy for enuresis, suppression of urine, gravel, swelling, Enuresis of children.

Equisetum is useful for pain in the kidneys especially right, in the bladder and urinary passages.

Retention of urine especially in women during pregnancy, equisetum relieved loss of control over bladder and rectum.

Mind and Head

Irritability with headache. Sticking, darting pains changing locality.

Severe headache with intense pain with constriction of whole scalp is relieved with equisetum.

Headache with heat of face without redness indicates this remedy.

Eyes, Ear

Severe pain in the eyes with difficulty and blurred vision.

Confusion of sounds, confused noises, fearful rumbling with stiff feeling behind left mastoid is resolved with equisetum.

Mouth and Throat

Face flushed, feeling of heat, burning without redness indicates Equisetum.

Sharp sticking in throat is relieved with Equisetum.

Stomach and abdomen

Excessive hunger with severe pain in lower abdomen with passage of fetid flatus.

Sharp pain in hypogastrium with sticking-like pains in anus. 

Dull, heavy pains in either side of lower abdomen and bladder, with frequent desire to urinate indicates equisetum.

Stool and Anus

Stool with great flatulence, equisetum relieves the smarting pain in anus during and after stool.

Stool with aching in anus and feeling as if rectum would protrude.

Urinary complaints

Burning in the urethra when urinating with excess of mucus. Extreme and frequent urging to urinate immediately after urine is voided indicates equisetum.

Severe sharp, cutting pain  pain at the close of urination is relieved with Equisetum. Wets bed at night.

Pain and tenderness in region of bladder, constant desire to urinate with urine flows only drop by drop.

Incontinence in old women, also with involuntary stools.

Deep pain in region of right kidney, extending to lower abdomen, with urgent desire to micturate is relieved with equisetum. Painful urination with albuminous urine.

Male complaints

Soreness of testicles, extending up spermatic cords while urinating.

Neck and Back

Pains in back especially while sitting, better lying on back and walking.

Heavy sensation, extending down outer side of left leg, ending in front three inches above knee indicates equisetum.


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