TC1 Sweat Ignition + TC1 Belt 41"by 7"

                                         Here is what you do

1. Rub TC1 Gel into the muscle group you plan on working out that day including your stomach,sides and lower back.

2.Use a small amount the first time so you can get a feel for the heat.

3. Wrap the Sweat Belt Band around your stomach to lock in the gel (optional)

4. Wash your hands after applying Gel.

5. TC1 warms up your muscles making you less prone to injury and improves recovery time.

6. Begin your workout and embrace the heat as it keeps you warm and loose for up to 2 hours.

7.At the end of your workout remove the sweat band and use a warm cloth to remove excess gel from your body.

8 Hot water can intensify the heat so be sure to shower with cold water after use.


Looking for a quick and easy, natural way to relieve pain? This potent gel doubles as a topical, non- drug, pain relief gel, soothing soreness and easing minor pain! Our expert blend features the natural ingredient Capsaicin, which stimulates the release of your body’s natural compounds involved in communicating pain between your nerves and spinal cord, and decreases the intensity of those pain signals in your body, providing nearly instant relief. In addition to its benefits as a pre-workout gel, TC1 is a go-to post-workout, non-drug, pain reliever following an intense workout session.




TC1 Gel helps to:

-Sweat more. Burn more.

-Tone & tighten problem areas

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