Doom 2 PC Conversion for Game Boy Advance is an enhanced version more closely matching the PC version.

Features new Sprites, Palettes, Textures, Flats etc as closely as possible to the original classic DOS PC counterparts. Everything is also uncensored in the process. This also gives textures way more detail far away due to the combination between a nearest neighbour filter and bilinear, as the original game only used bilinear and made half the far away textures a solid colour.

See comparison screenshot in the image gallery.

Tested and saving works. Game only, includes a small protective cart case.

Doom 1 PC Conversion for GBA also availabke. Purchase both and get $10 off at checkout.

Game Boy Advance games are region free and compatible in the following systems: Game Boy Advance, GBA SP, Gameboy Micro, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and Game Boy Player for Gamecube.