Totes Handbag Caddy with Light. You will never need to put your handbag on the floor again with this handbag caddy with light. Handbag caddy stores your handbag within eyesight and off of the floor. Hooks to most tables for easy access. Handbag light is a powerful LED light that helps locate hidden handbag contents and is a very functional handbag accessory. Take it out to help you read menus or see in dark restaurants!
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Totes For Her Handbags Caddy Accessory Hooks With Light For Women (Zebra Print)


Totes Handbag Caddy with Light. You will never need to put your handbag on the floor again with this handbag caddy with light. Handbag caddy stores your handbag within eyesight and off of the floor. Hooks to most tables for easy access. Handbag light is a powerful LED light that helps locate hidden handbag contents and is a very functional handbag accessory. Take it out to help you read menus or see in dark restaurants!

Key Features

  • You will never need to put your handbag on the floor again with this handbag caddy with light.
  • Handbag caddy stores your handbag within eyesight and off of the floor.
  • Hooks to most tables for easy access.
  • Handbag light is a powerful LED light that helps locate hidden handbag contents and is a very functional handbag accessory.
  • Take it out to help you read menus or see in dark restaurants!

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For As Seen on TV sells hundreds of products seen on tv.

Your order will ship within 24 to 48 hours upon payment approval and order verification excluding weekends and holidays. However, warehouse delays, issues with payment approval or order verification may delay shipment.

We offer no questions asked return and refund. Please return your items within 30 days of delivery date. Buyer pays return shipping. If you receive an item damaged or faulty, please contact us immediately via message. If an item is defective we will happily bear the Return Shipping cost. Please include your order number in your message.