Pre-viewed for quality and played fine except for some lines at the very start on the warning 'for home use only'. Had to tweak the tracking a little bit for sound later in the movie. Cassette is nice and clean too.
Box cover has some shelf wear around the edges and a little dog eared on the top endflap. Has a liner lift on the upper right cover of corner and ditto that for the backside on the upc code.
Out Of Print (OOP) as a stand-alone movie, only available in pricey compilation sets. The retro pop-n-go video has no fussy menus and the uncompressed audio has more gusto than it's digital counterpart. For old school TVs the full frame image will fill your square screen.
A group of workers spend a holiday weekend cleaning out the Bachman Textile Mills, which are infested by hungry rats who have developed a taste for human meat from frequent snacking at the graveyard next door, and also harbour a cellar-dwelling monster resembling a giant rat-tailed fruitbat.
Such B movie favorites as:
Fat Creep Who Gets What He Deserves.
Black Dude Who Ill-Advisedly Puts His Arm Into a Hole.
Stupid Woman Who Twists Her Ankle at the Worst Possible Moment.
Gutless Cretin Who Goes Hysterical.
All become munchies.
With Brad Douriff, given special billing as a Vietnam vet vermin exterminator ("I'm not one of those baby-burnin, flashbackin' F-ups you see Bruce Dern playin").