PAVEL I. Decree on the Procedure for Receiving Written Petitions. 26 May 1799 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/PAVEL I. Ukaz o poryadke priema pismennykh prosheniy. 26 maya 1799 g. St. Petersburg, 1799, 1 sheet (PAVEL I). To the Government Senate, Mr. Active Privy Counsellor, Prosecutor General, and Knight Prince of this Mayan 7th proposed the petition received in the Senate of Tobolsk Province of Tarsk County by Bakharitina Smail Babashev, with the attachment of a sealed petition from him to His Imperial Highness, announcing that, upon submitting such a petition recently sealed to His Highest Name in the Senate, he had received a command from His Highest Highest Highness the Prosecutor General. SKUalbf154d1e9b73697b2.