For sale is a new, never-used authentic Bottega Veneta shoulder bag, with original dust cover and tags. I purchased this item myself from the Bottega Veneta boutique in Massachusetts. I'd keep it if I weren't trying to cull my handbag collection.

The original retail price was $1,180 and was featured on page 60 of the Bottega Veneta Cruise 2008/2009 Collection catalog. I've priced it to sell. To make me an offer, follow the instructions as given in the Bonanza Help section (you must add the item to your cart to proceed with an offer).

It is shown in a slouched position in the catalog photos, but the bag can be worn flat as well. I have stored the bag flat, inside its original dust cover. My home is pet-free, non-smoking.

Color: "crimson." A classic red that can go year-round. It is made of "maggiore" leather, a fine-grained, lightweight goatskin with a subtle sheen.

The interior is a sumptuous taupe suede.

The shoulder handle is supple calf leather in a saddle tan color with minor tonal variations (characteristic of the leather). It is comfortable on the shoulder, but the bag may be worn on the arm or held in the hand, too.

The bag has a top zipper closure, interior zip pocket, and interior mobile phone pocket.

Dimensions: 11" long at the bottom x 9" tall (measured from the exterior). Bottom gusset: expands to about 3.5". Shoulder drop: between 7.25" and 7.75" (ample arm clearance as a shoulder bag)

Condition: New, as from the boutique, never-used, never taken outside. Extremely clean both inside and out. No stains, no damage.

At the risk of being overly detailed, I note that in studying the bag for writing this description, the weave does not lie absolutely perfectly flat everywhere (see more photos below to see what I mean). Feel free to ask any questions.

More photos: (photos uploaded on my photo album)

I am active on The Purse Forum (tPF) on the Bottega Veneta subforum and never buy or sell fakes! I invite you to have this item publicly authenticated at tPF in the Bottega Veneta forum (in the authentications thread).

All sales FINAL-no returns-so please ask all questions before your purchase. I will ship within the United States only, with insurance, to a Paypal confirmed address (signature will be required for delivery).