Title: Lifelong Health: Achieving Optimum Well-Being at Any Age - 6 DVD and Course Guidebook Author: Professor Anthony A. Goodman Series: The Great Courses
Publisher by the Teaching Company Format: DVD and Course Guidebook Condition: Good condition (as seen in photographs)
Description: Embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and well-being with "Lifelong Health: Achieving Optimum Well-Being at Any Age" by Professor Anthony A. Goodman, presented by The Great Courses and published by the Teaching Company. This comprehensive course, comprising 6 DVDs and a detailed Course Guidebook, provides invaluable insights and practical strategies for enhancing physical, mental, and emotional wellness throughout life.
Professor Anthony A. Goodman, a renowned expert in the field of health sciences, shares evidence-based knowledge and actionable advice on a wide range of topics, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, preventive care, and longevity. Through engaging lectures and informative sessions, he empowers learners to take proactive steps towards achieving and maintaining lifelong health and vitality.
Whether you're a health enthusiast, a medical professional, or simply eager to prioritize your well-being, "Lifelong Health" offers indispensable guidance to help you optimize your quality of life at any age. The 6 DVDs and accompanying Course Guidebook serve as invaluable resources, providing in-depth insights and practical tools for creating a sustainable and holistic approach to health.
This set of DVDs and Course Guidebook is in good condition, displaying minimal wear and tear consistent with normal use, as illustrated in the accompanying photographs. Don't miss the opportunity to invest in your health and happiness. Order your copy of "Lifelong Health: Achieving Optimum Well-Being at Any Age" today and embark on a path towards lifelong vitality and wellness.