The triskele, also known as triskelion or triple spiral, is a symbol consisting of three interlocked spirals or three bent human legs. It has been used in various cultures throughout history and carries different meanings depending on the context. Some common interpretations of the triskele include:
1. **Celtic Symbolism:** In Celtic tradition, the triskele is associated with the concept of triplicity in unity. It can represent various trinities such as life, death, and rebirth; land, sea, and sky; or the three Celtic worlds.
2. **Greek Symbolism:** In ancient Greek culture, the triskele is sometimes associated with the Isle of Man and considered a symbol of the island. It is also found in Greek art and represents progress, cycles, and motion.
3. **Neopagan and Wiccan Symbolism:** In modern Neopagan and Wiccan practices, the triskele is often used as a symbol of the triple goddess (maiden, mother, crone) or the three phases of life.
4. **Triple Spiral:** The triple spiral is a related symbol that is often considered synonymous with the triskele. It is found in various ancient cultures, including Celtic and pre-Columbian cultures, and is believed to represent concepts like growth, expansion, and development.
It's essential to note that the interpretation of symbols can vary, and their meanings are often influenced by cultural, historical, and individual factors.