Alexander I. Manifesto for the amnesty of all officials under investigation and trial, and of all ranks of people, in cases that do not involve important crimes, such as murder, robbery, fevers, and so forth. April 2, 1801. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Aleksandr I. Manifest ob amnistii vsekh nakhodyashchikhsya pod sledstviem i sudom chinovnikov i vsyakogo zvaniya lyudey po delam, ne zaklyuchayushchim v sebe vazhnykh prestupleniy, kak to: smertoubiystva, razboya, likhoimstva, i o prochem. 2 aprelya 1801 g. THE PLACE TO HEAT. S.Pb.1801. 1 l. SKUalb6d91b638e5c39e2a.