arseghyants O. B. Requisition and confiscation under R.S. F. S. R. legislatio In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Barsegyants O. B. Rekvizitsiya i konfiskatsiya po zakonodatelstvu R. S. F. S. R. Moscow, Znanie 1922, 29 and 2, Uzak 1920, No. 29, art. 143) and the Decree of the National Peoples Congress of July 25, 1920 are subject to confiscation of a) platinum, gold, and silver coins, regardless of their quantity. b) gold, silver, platinum, and platinum group metals in ingots and raw form, regardless of their quantity. c) interest-bearing securities. d) diamonds, diamonds, and other precious stones. SKUalb68fcaf9e04053997.