Blanc Louis Jean Joseph. The French Revolution of 1830. A History of Louis Philippes Ten Years in Government. 1830-1840. Added edition, expanded by the authors unpublished foreword. With new illustrations by Louis Dunca. In two volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Blan Lui Zhan Zhozef. Frantsuzskaya revolyutsiya 1830 goda. Istoriya desyati let pravleniya Lui Filippa. 1830-1840. Dopolnennoe izdanie, rasshirennoe neizdannym predisloviem avtora. S novymi illyustratsiyami Lui Dunki. V dvukh tomakh Louis Blanc. Revolution Francaise 1830. Histoire de Dix Ans 1830-1840. Edition complete, augmentee une Preface inedite de lAuteur. Illustrations nouvelles de Dunki, Paris: Fd-H. Jeanmaire 1882. XXXIV, 1 579, 5 p. SKUalb6539be8ae24c0501.