Warsaw Military Journal. 1902. # 7 July, # 8 August, # 9 September, # 10 October, # 11 November, # 12 December. Set of 6 issues. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Varshavskiy voennyy zhurnal. 1902g. # 7 Iyul, # 8 Avgust, # 9 Sentyabr, # 10 Oktyabr, # 11 Noyabr, # 12 Dekabr. Komplekt iz 6 nomerov. Content: D. Karamyshev - General Renenkampfs detachment in 1900 (continued), P. Izmesiev - Thoughts of Friedrich the Great, N. Fon - Action of the Danube detachments (continued), P. Lopatin - English horses in the war in South Africa, etc. 3. Content: N. Fon - Action of General Renenkampfs detachments (continued), D. Karamyshev - Thoughts of General Renenkampfs detachments (continued), N. Fon - Action of the Danube detachments (continued), P. Lopatin - English horses in the war in South Africa, etc. SKUalb248139c345265f1d.