Library of the World Trace. (1- 12, complete set) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Biblioteka Vsemirnogo sledopyta. (1- 12,polnyy komplekt) Adventures. Fantasy. M. Earth and the Factory 1927. 1st Soviet Adventure Library, d works, etc. BP has not been republished. Contents: Thomas Stevensons London Mammoth. Putkamer - The Beast of Saragos. Wells - The Valley of Spiders. Marvins Black Rhino. Sailor - Aranya of the Mexican Swamps. Wells - The Klang Utang of Borneo Island. Marz - The Crab of the Gazenzio. Antilles and the Caribbean Sea. The Island of Seagulls. Bird Girl. In the dawn of time. SKUalb67e993e2af6052b7.