Alexander I. Regulations for the gendarmes of the internal guard. dated February 1, 1817. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Aleksandr I. Polozhenie dlya zhandarmov vnutrenney strazhi. Ot 1 fevralya 1817 goda. 3. Alexander Is order to the chief of staff, Master Adjutant Prince Volkonsky. 4. Instruction to the chief of the gendarmes in the provincial city. 5. Instruction to the divisional commander of the gendarmes of the internal guard in the capital. 6. Staff of two gendarmerie squadrons in each capital. 7. Staff of the gendarmerie team in each provincial city. 8. Staff of the gendarmerie team in the port city. SKUalb2671d8d1c10f6de9.