Dr. Reckeweg Stramonium(Dilution)
Common Name: Datura Stramonium/Thorn apple
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Stramonium(Dilution)
- Violence associated with all the complaints, it is key feature of patients that need stramoniuma as a treatment for their complaints.
- Symptoms that arise after sudden fright, shock, sun, overstudy.
- Restlessness with absence of pain is a characterestic of Stramonium.
- Limbs that lose power and feel weakness, locomotion difficulties with movements restricted due to muscular restrictions.
- Twitching of muscles of legs, restlessness, with violent laughter, screams and abuses the other person.
Active mind, patient talks continously without any relation to the subject.
- Alternate crying and laughing along with serious behaviour that comes up with dullness and forgets the relations, calls things by wrong names.
- Prayers, devotions, sense of happiness and joy,excitement and keeps talking with fixed ideas.
- Cannot stay alone, always wants someone to be with, desires compnay, clinging to the person
- Frightful with fear of rats, mice,cats, dogs moving is relieved with help of stramonium.
- Habit of picking clothes, screams day and night with a type of mania.
- Always in a hurry, anxiety after hearing running water, cannot tolerate bright light.
- Violent headache with convulsions after walking in sun, from heat of sun. Throbbing pains
- Head feels empty with increased sensitivity to tuch and every movement.
- Vertigo with a tendancy to fall towards the left or back.
- Unusual Perspiration of head with left sided numbness of head.
Eyes, Nose and Throat
- Inflammation of eyes, redness of eyes, black spots before eyes.
- Involuntary lachrymation, letters appear oblique while reading, vision is affected.
- Obstruction of nose with catarrh of nasal passages.
- Dryness of nose though she is not able to breathe. Sneezing continuously.
- Dryness of mouth, throat with no desire to have any soft drink.
- Difficulty in swallowing,Stinging pain in the throat, due to dryness is well treated with stramonium.
- Stammering, difficulty while talking and loss of confidence.
Stomach and Abdomen:
- Nausea vomiting with sour risings with pain in stomach and burning within stomach.
- Violent pains in abdomen with flatulence.
(description exceeds maximum possible length)