Dr. Reckeweg Laurocerasus

Common Name: Cherry-laurel

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Laurocerasus


Great anxiety, apprehension, and agitation, which do not allow a moment's rest, nor yet sleep in evening, but which disappear in open air.

Inability to collect one's ideas.

Weakness of memory.

Fear and anxiety about imaginary evils.

Mental dullness (insensibility) and loss of consciousness, with loss of speech and motion.


There is feeling of intoxication and vertigo, with drowsiness.

Vertigo, on rising from a stooping posture, or on getting up from a seat, with what appears to be a veil before the sight, or with a sensation as if all objects were turning round.

Vertigo worse in the open air is relieved by it.

Laurocerasus relieves Stupefying headache, with a feeling of weight, and sensation, on stooping, as if the brain fell forward and struck against the cranium.


Laurocerasus relieves Burning pain in eyes, Dryness of eyes.

Darkness before the eyes, obscuration of sight.

All objects appear larger than they really are.


It is useful in Hardness of hearing, Tingling in ears, Itching in ears.


Nose feels stopped up, no air passes through.

Laurocerasus is useful for Coryza with sore throat.


It relieves Cramps in the jaws, Twitching in muscles of face.

Titillation in the face, as if files and spiders were crawling over the skin.

Laurocerasus is useful in Lock-jaw, Painful sensations in the under jaw and lower teeth.


Laurocerasus is useful in Sore throat with painful sensation, as if it were drawn downwards, during deglutition and at other times.

It relieves Cramps in pharynx and esophagus.

There is Contraction of esophagus when drinking.

The drink he takes rolls audibly through esophagus and intestines.

Laurocerasus relieves Dull sticking pain as from a lump in throat, which extends to left side of back.


Violent risings, either empty, or having taste of food.

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