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Product description: The Secret Administration, revealed through Ephesians and Colossians, is characterized and empowered by the dispensation of transcendent grace (Ephesians 1:7; 2:7; 3:2). Now, believing Gentiles are “no longer guests and sojourners” as they were in the Pentecostal and Readjustment Administrations, but are “fellow-citizens of the saints and members of God’s family” (Ephesians 2:19). This outstanding work includes 45 chapters, by 17 authors, spanning nearly 200 years. Author’s include: Oscar M. Baker, Tom L. Ballinger , J. R. Caldwell, E. H. Clayton, J.J.B. Coles, John Essex, J.H. Evans, H.W. Fry, Vladimir Gelesnoff, William B. Hallman, Richard Holden, John H. Kessler, A.E. Knoch, Adlai Loudy, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., and Charles H. Welch.