Manzanita branch (Manzanita tree). 8", natural color. It is completely natural and not treated with any chemicals whatsoever. Safe for pets.

Characteristics of Natural (red) Manzanita:

- Peeling bark: During the Spring and Summer months, Manzanita bark will peel (just like eucalyptus trees do). This can cause patchy areas, which is natural and normal. To smooth out the color, use Design Master spray paint in the color of October Brown, available at Hobby Lobby and Floral Supply Syndicate. Lightly cover the affected areas until the desired color is achieved.

- Shape: shapes vary with each piece, harvest area, and time of year. Manzanita can typically grow wide and flat rather than symmetrically, although we try to always ship more symmetrical pieces.

- Bark: color and condition of the bark will vary with each season, harvest area and time of year.

- Age: Manzanita branches will last indefinitely. Cracks and splits will occur as the wood naturally cures, however this will not cause them to break in half, fall apart, etc. Using floral paint (Design Master paint, in October Brown - available at Michael's Crafts or Hobby Lobby) to add color into the splitting areas makes them practically non-noticeable.