Bujinkan DVD Series 8: Mutodori with Masaaki Hatsumi
Masaaki Hatsumi, a ninja master who inherits the 9 schools of Kobudo. The essence of martial arts revealed by masters living in modern times. Swordless capture is the basic technique of all ninja techniques, and the secret of martial arts is hidden in it. Serious reason is to flash a reasonable profit and defeat the enemy.The theme for 2004 is zero. After mastering various techniques, he returns to the origin and begins a new start. Chapters: TAKAGIYOSHIN-RYU DAISHO-SABAKIGATATSUKAKUDAKIHIKIDORIIRIDORIRANGAKUTEDORIRYUKOTSUSHIOGAESHIKERAKUORADOMEOTOKURUMANAGEYOTSUSHUTONINKETSUSUKASHIDORIMUTO-DORIKATATEOCHIICHIMONJICHINTOUSHIRODORIHIRAICHIMONJISEIGANTSUKAKUZUSHIMATSUBAOTOSH Language: Japanese with English subtitles Length: 60 min. SPD-7008
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