Jewish Encyclopedia: A Compilation of Jewish Knowledge and Culture Past and Present. Volume Twelfth: The Custom of Leprosy /Evreyskaya entsiklopediya. Svod znaniy o evreystve i ego kul'ture v proshlom i nastoyashchem. Tom dvenadtsatyy: Obychay Prokaza Rev.: Vol. 1: S. M. Dubnov and Dr. L. I. Katzenelson.Vol. 2-8: Dr. L. Katzenelson and Baron D. G. Ginzburg.Vol. 9-13: Dr. A. Garkavi and Dr. Katzenelson.Vol. 14-16: L. Katzenelson St. Petersburg Editions of the Society for Scientific Jewish Editions and Brockhaus-Ephron Publishers. 1912 10, 962 vol. 12. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb90c2a4e5c02c69cf