Jewish Encyclopedia. A collection of knowledge about Jewishness and its culture, past and present. In 16 volumes. Volumes I, III, IX, XI, XII. /Evreyskaya entsiklopediya. Svod znaniy o evreystve i ego kul'ture v proshlom i nastoyashchem. V 16-i tomakh. Toma: I, III, IX, XI, XII. Under the joint editorial direction of A. Garkawi and Dr. L. Katzenelson. Reprinting the Society's publication for Jewish Studies and Brockhaus-Ephron Publishing. M. Terra. 1991. The Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus-Ephron is the most complete and accurate collection of articles on the Jewish people. This encyclopedia contains 16 volumes of 20,000 articles. The encyclopedia began in 1906 and was published up to and including 1913 We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbdef42dac158d7070