Homer. Homer's Iliad, translated from Greek in verses, the size of the original. Added: Homer's life descriptions and his Iliad's translator into Russian by Gnedich, with their portraits held at the Imperial Public Library. /Gomer. Iliada Gomera, perevod s grecheskogo v stikhakh, razmerom podlinnika. Priplet: Zhizneopisaniya Gomera i perevodchika ego Iliady na russkiy yazyk Gnedicha, s ikh portretami, nakhodyashchimisya pri Imperatorskoy Publichnoy biblioteke. Translated by N.Gnedichem. St. Petersburg: At the publisher, bookseller Lisenkov. 1861-1867. 8, XXII, 360 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb969ecde6add617a6