Heder German. (Eng.). Design and Calculation. A Manual for Engineers, Technicians and Students of Technical Institutions. Volume II. Tasks and Solutions. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kheder German. (Inzh.). Konstruirovanie i raschety. Posobie dlya inzhenerov, tekhnikov i uchashchikhsya tekhn. uchebn. zavedeniy. Tom II. Zadachi i resheniya. Library of Technique. Translated from German by Eng. M.O. Volovnik and Eng. I.E. Goltzman. Edited by Prof. A.I. Sidorov. Edition 2. With 1325 figures in the text. Moscow. State Technical Publishing House. 1930. 516, (2s. SKUalbb611f0851f5f4579.