Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan Volume 3 and Volume 4. Content Volume 3: Tarzan and the ant men, Tarzan the lord of the jungle, Tarzan and the lost empire, Adventures in the bowels of the earth, Tarzan the invincible, Tarzan the magnificent. Volume 4: Content: Tarzan the triumphant, Tarzan the city of gold, In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Edgar Rays Berrouz. Tarzan Tom-3 i Tom-4. Soderzhanie Tom-3: Tarzan i lyudi-murav'i, Tarzan povelitel' dzhungley, Tarzan i poteryannaya imperiya, Priklyucheniya v nedrakh Zemli, Tarzan nepobedimyy, Tarzan velikolepnyy. Tom-4: Soderzhanie: Tarzan torzhestvuyushchiy, Tarzan i gorod zolota, Founding fathers Globus 720 and 724s. SKUalb97877dd13df5418f.