The USSR Today and Tomorrow: The Proceedings of the Conference of the Institute for the Study of History and Culture of the USSR, held in Munich on 15-17 August 1953. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/SSSR segodnya i zavtra: trudy Konferentsii Instituta po izucheniyu istorii i kul'tury SSSR, sostoyavsheysya 15-17 avgusta 1953 g. v Myunkhene. Munich. Printed in the printing house Unity. 1953. 214, (2) p.: table, enlarged format. Deepika printing house. History. History. CCCR -- Period of post-war reconstruction and further development of the national economy (1945-1953) -- Historiography -- Proceedings of an international conference. General history of historical science -- Development of historical science in the modern era (1917-) -- History of study of the USSR -- History of study of the socialist era and the extensive construction of communism in the USSR -- Proceedings of an international conference. SKUalb40a2c96d30d44681.