Title: Lot of 2 Hearts of Middlefield Novels by Kathleen Fuller (Amish) Series: Hearts of Middlefield Books Included:

  1. A Man of His Word
  2. An Honest Love
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Format: Paperback Condition: Very Good (as seen in photographs)

Description: This lot features two heartwarming novels from the "Hearts of Middlefield" series by Kathleen Fuller, set in the charming Amish community of Middlefield. Published by Thomas Nelson, these books offer captivating stories of love, faith, and second chances.

Both paperback books in this lot are in very good condition, showing minimal signs of wear, as depicted in the accompanying photographs.

Perfect for fans of Amish fiction and those who enjoy heartwarming tales of romance and redemption, these novels promise engaging storytelling and relatable characters that will leave a lasting impression.

Don't miss the opportunity to add these two enchanting novels to your collection and immerse yourself in the beauty and warmth of the Hearts of Middlefield series by Kathleen Fuller.