Title: Building the Team from Inside Out: A Multi-Dimensional View of Leadership Author: Maryann Roefaro Publisher: Waterside Publication Year: 2011 Format: Paperback Condition: Good condition (as seen in photographs) Description:
"Building the Team from Inside Out: A Multi-Dimensional View of Leadership" by Maryann Roefaro offers a comprehensive exploration of leadership principles and strategies for fostering effective teamwork. Published by Waterside in 2011, this paperback edition provides valuable insights into leadership development and team building.
In this book, Maryann Roefaro presents a multi-dimensional view of leadership, emphasizing the importance of fostering collaboration, communication, and trust within teams. Drawing on her extensive experience in leadership roles, Roefaro offers practical advice and actionable techniques for cultivating strong and cohesive teams that are capable of achieving shared goals.
Despite its age, this paperback edition of "Building the Team from Inside Out" is in good condition, with the condition accurately depicted in the accompanying photographs. The cover and pages show minimal signs of wear, ensuring a satisfying reading experience for individuals seeking to enhance their leadership skills and build more effective teams.
Whether you're a seasoned leader, a manager, or a team member aspiring to take on leadership roles, "Building the Team from Inside Out" provides valuable guidance and inspiration to help you maximize your potential and drive organizational success through effective teamwork.
Don't miss the opportunity to add this insightful and practical book to your collection and embark on a journey of leadership and team building with Maryann Roefaro as your guide.