Title: The Sandlot Strategy - A Parent's Manual For Coaching Kids
Format: Audiobook
Brand: Keepers Of The Sandlot
Genre: Family, Educational, Sports
UPC: 9781467529730 (This is for the physical book - I can not find one for this rare audiobook)
Special Notes: Out Of Print, Rare & Hard To Find
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
Release Date: 2012
The Sandlot Strategy is a manual designed specifically to help anyone coach children in baseball. It is a very practical audiobook designed to encourage and equip parents and coaches for tackling the challenges of little league.
As a sandlot coach, you have to do two things:
1) Manage the game and all that it entails. There is a lot of psychology that goes on in managing the game and making sure that everyone gets "home" safely.
2) Teach the game. There is a lot to teach. Everyone demands everything. They want you to know everything and to be able to teach it.
This is a manual that will help you do both.
Combined with Bill's 25 years of coaching children and expert assistance from professionals including George Brett, Kevin Seitzer, Ned Yost, Mike MacFarlane, Brent Kenmitz, Brian Holman, Frank White, Bobby Randall, Les Norman, Joe Simpson, and several others, this audiobook provides a roadmap and a plan that will help you teach kids. It will equip you with strategies to provide a nurturing environment for the ultimate coaches in a young persons life, their parents.
The goal is to help you prepare for what is coming. The Sandlot is a blast. From little league practices, to Game Day contests and life lessons throughout, it never hurts to know which pitch is coming. Take what you like, mix it up with your own personal style and get out there and have fun.