The benefits of green vegetables are countless and green vegetables are a essential aspect of diet. One such wonderful vegetable is Bottle gourd, known as 'lauki' or 'kaddu'. It also goes by the names calabash, white-flowered gourd, Tasmania bean and long melon in different parts of the world. Lauki has bountiful of health benefits and comes in a variety of shapes, large and round, small and bottle shaped, or slim and slender and can grow quite long over a meter.
A watery vegetable Lauki contains 96% water and it is a perfect aid for weight loss. The abundance of vitamins C, and B, sodium, iron, zinc,potassium and antioxidants in Lauki make this a very popular vegetable among all health and weight conscious individuals. It is very popular in Ayurveda as a drink and it helps reduce weight and fat in individuals.