Hacky, also known as Footbag, is a non-competitive modern sport where you kick a bean bag ball and try to keep it off the ground as long as possible. Have some fun with this handmade crochet hacky sack and enjoy this soccer style. This piece is tightly woven so none of its plastic rubber pellets will fall out.

Handmade single hacky ball with soccer ball design. In black and white color combination.

Dimensions: Approx. 2.5" x 2.5" x 2.5"
Weight: 1 oz.
Sack is filled with plastic rubber pellets.
Handmade in Guatemala. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Hacky, also known as Footbag, is a non-competitive modern sport where you kick a bean bag ball and try to keep it off the ground as long as possible. Have some fun with this handmade crochet hacky sack and enjoy this soccer style. This piece is tightly woven so none of its plastic rubber pellets will fall out.

Handmade single hacky ball with soccer ball design. In black and white color combination.

Dimensions: Approx. 2.5" x 2.5" x 2.5"
Weight: 1 oz.
Sack is filled with plastic rubber pellets.
Handmade in Guatemala.