Breitfus L. To the Siberian Sea Route: The Arctic Ocean Hydrogramme Expedition and Measures for its Release from the Forced Wintering in the Ice Near the Taimyr Peninsula in 1914 15. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Breytfus L. L. K issledovaniyu morskogo sibirskogo puti: Gidrogr. ekspeditsiya Sev. ledovitogo okeana i mery k ee osvobozhdeniyu iz vynuzhd. zimovki vo l'dakh okolo Taymyr. poluostrova v 191415 g. L. L. Breitfus. Petrograd Hydrographic Subscription in the Typography of the Maritime Ministry, in the General Admiralty, 1915, 2, 48 p. SKUalbc153edbb6fd0966f.