Architecture of the USSR. Rooms from 1972 to 1986 (total 36 rooms) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Arkhitektura SSSR. Nomera s 1972 po 1986 goda (vsego 36 nomerov) Monthly Journal of the State Committee for Civil Construction and Architecture under the USSR State Structure and the Union of Architects of the USSR M. Publishing House of Literature for Construction 1972-1986. Available: 1972 # 8, 1973 # 2, 1975 # 3,5,6, 1978 # 11-12, 1979 # 1,6, 1980 # 1-5, 1981 # 4-8, 1982 # 1, 3,4, 11, 1984-March, April, July, August, 1986-September, October, November, December. SKUalb3924927eb88e43e6.