Edgar Hennecke, Wilhelm Schneemelcher, R. Mcl. Wilson). New Testament Apocrypha: Volumes I II of the New Testament Apocrypha: Gospels and Related Works. Scriptures Relating to the Apostles. Apocalypses, etc.) In two volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Edgar Hennecke, Wilhelm Schneemelcher, R. Mcl. Wilson)Vil'gel'm Shneemel'kher). New Testament Apocrypha: Volumes I II Apokrify Novogo Zaveta: Evangeliya i svyazannye s nimi trudy.Pisaniya, otnosyashchiesya k Apostolam. Apokalipsisy i dr.)V dvukh tomakh Writings relating to the Apostles. Apocalypses and related subjects US John Knox Press 1991 560c. SKUalb261679c1eb9ef356.