First-bornBattleship Battery Commander Captain 2nd Rank Kopytov, Nikolai Vasilyevich). Meteorological log kept on the ship from May 16 to September 8, 1868. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Pervenets Bronenosnaya plavuchaya batareya Komandir Kapitan 2 go ranga Kopytov, Nikolay Vasil'evich). Meteorologicheskiy Zhurnal vedennyy na korable s 16 maya po 8 sentyabrya 1868 goda The first-born battleship of the Russian Imperial Fleet, Nikolai Vasilyevich Kopytov (1833-1901), Russian Vice-Admiral (1888), Commander-in-Chief of the Black and Caspian Seas Fleet and Ports. SKUalb05231a5eed32fa2b.