MARY WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements and compounds needed by the body. Easy to grow from seed. It's pretty much a carefree plant after established. A deep root system allows asparagus to be very drought tolerant. Needs at least 6 hrs of sun a day. This plant has about a 20 year lifespan. Productive after 2nd year.1st year, just let the ferns grow to establish a deep root system. Non-Gmo, organic U.S. Grown seed. Mother natures original recipe. 1 OZ = 600+ Quality heirloom seeds per order.
Asparagus officinalis.
Full Sun.
Spring, soil temp 75F+.
Soak seed overnight.
SOW just beneath surface, 3" apart. Keep moist.
Germ 14-28 days.
Thin to 9".
Height 3-4'
Medium water.