SPOTTED BEE BALM. aka Bergamot/Horsemint. A showy plant about two feet tall with lavender to rose colored blooms that are very fragrant with a scent of oregano, which attracts a lot of bumble bees, hummingbird moths, butterflies and honeybees. From the mint family. The name comes from the cream-colored corolla with purple spots. Not real picky about soil. Grows anywhere it can get 4 to 6 hrs. of sun a day. Does better with a little spotty shade through the day. Used in tea's, potpourri, dried flower arrangements. Also, a real medicinal plant that treats infections. The antiseptic THYMOL comes from Bee Balm Flowers, used in common mouthwash. Also treats gum diseases and throat infections. 300+Quality seeds. Thank You!

Mondorda punctata.


Full sun / P. sun.

Spring, soil temp of 70F+.

SOW on surface 6" apart. Keep moist.

Germination 21-28 days.

Thin to 18".

Height 36" x 18" Wide.

Medium water.

Flowers are rose colored. Blooms from early summer through late summer.