SWAMP SUNFLOWER seeds. Easy to grow, tough as nails true sunflower. Native to North American coastal areas, they can be found growing around a salt marsh or in a roadside ditch. They thrive in almost all conditions. These don't spread aggressively like some sunflowers, but rather form clumps that can last for years. This is a tall, good-looking plant that blooms profusely in fall, when most perennials are ready for a long nap. 3" bright yellow daisy like flowers, with a black center, they look like a Black-Eyed Susan. They make long lasting cut flowers. Also, they are a host plant for the Checker Spot Butterfly and a fall/winter seed source for Cardinals, Orioles, Thrushes and many others.100+ Seeds per order. Thank You!
Some American Native Wildflower seeds need to go through a cold winter to germinate. This plant is one of them. They do this so the seed won’t sprout in fall, only to have the seedling not make it through a cold winter. I have stratified these seeds to simulate a cold winter(stratification) This raises the germination rate considerably. Thanks for looking!!
Helianthus angustifolius.
Full sun.
Spring, soil Temp 65F+.
SOW 2 or 3 seeds per plant,1/4"deep, about 30"apart. Keep Moist.
Germination 10-21 Days.
Thin to single best seedling, use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.
Medium to Heavy water. A little fertilizer mid-summer will increase blooms in fall.
Blooms-August, September, October.
Height 4'-6'.
Width of mature plant (clump) is about 30".