CLASPING CONEFLOWER or Yellow Coneflower is an American native wildflower. A hardy annual native to the southeastern United States and has naturalized throughout most of North America. The identifiable black, coneĀ-shaped heads are surrounded by bright yellow, drooping re-flexed ray flowers. Prefers full sun in various soil conditions. Often forms dense colonies in moist areas. There also make a great, long lasting cut flowers. 1000+ quality seeds per order. Thank You!
Rudbeckia amplexicaulis
Full sun.
Spring, soil temp 70F+.
SOW 1/16" deep,6"apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7 - 30 Days.
Thin to 12".
Height 24" x 12" Wide.
Medium water. Light fertilizer.
Flowers are Yellow. Blooms June through September.