Title: The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier

Editor: Maria P. P. Root Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc. Edition: First Edition Year: 1996 Condition: Good

Description: Presenting "The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier," edited by Maria P. P. Root. This book, published by Sage Publications, Inc. in 1996, offers insights into the multiracial experience and the challenges posed by racial borders. The First Edition is in good condition, as depicted in the attached photos.

About the Book: "The Multiracial Experience" explores the complexities and nuances of the multiracial identity, addressing issues related to racial boundaries, identity formation, and the unique experiences of individuals who navigate the intersections of multiple racial backgrounds. Edited by Maria P. P. Root, this collection brings together various perspectives to offer a comprehensive understanding of the multiracial experience.

Condition: The book is described as being in good condition. Please refer to the provided photos for a visual representation. The images highlight the well-preserved state of the book, demonstrating its overall quality and readability.

Photographs: Accompanying the listing are detailed photos that provide a clear view of the book's good condition. The images showcase the clean pages, intact binding, and the overall quality of this insightful exploration of the multiracial experience.

Explore the complex terrain of racial borders and identity with "The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier." This First Edition, in good condition, is a valuable resource for those interested in gaining deeper insights into the multiracial perspective. Add this book to your collection and delve into the rich tapestry of the multiracial experience.