FRENCH MARIGOLD(Dwarf) "Naughty Marietta". Easy to grow annual that's great for containers, borders, ground cover and around vegetable gardens. Pretty much a carefree plant after seedlings are established, just add water and stand back! Flowers in about 7 weeks. Blooms continually until first frost. 2" yellow flowers with dark red streaks. Plants form a bushy mound around 10" tall and 10"around. Butterfly and Bee attractor. Deer and rabbit resistant. Planting around vegetables will turn away a lot of 

Tagetes patula.


Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 70F+.

SOW 1/8" deep, 4" apart. Keep moist.

Germination 7 - 14 days.

Thin to 12".

Height 12" x 12" Wide.

Medium water. Light fertilizer.

Flowers are yellow/red. Blooms from early summer through late fall.