- High Potency Formulation: Fusion Women's Multi Advanced is a high-potency nutritional formulation.
- Supports Women's Wellbeing: Specifically formulated to support women's nutritional needs.
- Includes Botanical Extracts: Contains shatavari, dong quai, milk thistle, turmeric, American ginseng, and black pepper.
- Antioxidant Support: Includes antioxidants, botanical extracts, and green tea.
- Immune System Support: Contains zinc and vitamin C to support healthy immune system function.
- Energy Production: Iron, vitamin B6, and B12 support energy production and healthy red blood cell production.
- Stress Response: Contains B-group vitamins, including vitamin B5, to support healthy stress responses.
- Skin, Hair, and Nails Health: Zinc and biotin support the integrity of the skin, as well as the health of hair and nails.
- Connective Tissue Health: Silica (silicon) supports connective tissue health.
- Reproductive System Support: Zinc supports reproductive system health.
- Bone Health: Vitamins C and D contribute to bone health.
- Eye Health: Chromium, zinc, and beta-carotene support healthy eyesight and vision.
- Additional Nutrients: Includes vitamin E, folic acid, and other essential nutrients.
Usage Information:
- The supplement comes in a pack of 90 tablets.
- Recommended for daily use to provide ongoing support for women's health.
- For specific dosage recommendations and potential interactions with existing health conditions or medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
This information appears to be a comprehensive overview of the Fusion Women's Multi Advanced supplement. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask!