100X SACRED HERMES SECRET WISDOM ACCESS!! Albina will DOUBLE CAST this spell Cast for you by OUR FULL COVEN LED BY  102 year old Witch

 OUR FULL COVEN LED BY Albina will cast this amazing Spell for you!!




This is a 100X CAST spell she calls "Sacred Hermes Magick", a spell derived from Ancient Medieval Magick and secretly passed down and guarded for generations. As Albina says, this spell is derived from Hermes writings and teachings. Hermes Trimegistus was a "Thrice great Mystical Sage and was identified with the Egyptian God Toth. He was born of the fusion of Greek and spiritual traditions and his writings had a powerful effect on the Renaissance!" She explains that he was considered "thrice great" because of his expertise in three fields; Astrology, Alchemy and Magick.

Hermes was the first intelligencer who communicated Celestial and Divine knowledge to mankind by wirting. He was likely a King of Egypt-was certainly Egyptian , Chrief Philosopher and a Chemist who was intitaited into the mysteries of the Priesthood and from thence to Chief, Govenor or King. Her was called "Ter Maximus" as having "perfect knowledge of all things contained in the world". This SPECIAL form of Magick will grant the bearer many gifts including:

*Comprehension of Higher knowledge and Wisdom *Access to the profound secrets of nature and traveling to other realms* The Secrets of the Philospohers *Transformation of current energies to extraordinary, "lighted" energies (grants MANY amazing abilities) * Enhancement of the 'good" in one's life (i.e.- friendship into love, comfortable income into financial security, etc) *and finally Seeing and understanding the Mystic Union- the interconnection of all things- and that which makes all Magick possible thus, resulting in "controlling and directing' these energies as one gains direct knowledge of the dvine!

Albina says that Hermes Magick has also been widely accepted as the "key" to revealing the TRUE Healing Arts of the ancients as well as unlocking the mysetries of the Ancient Egyptians! She also converyed that "often those who have been lucky enough to acquire such a Magickal report dreaming of Hermes himself inscribing his emerald tablet, upon which he recorded his philosophies and vast Mystical knowledge!!


In closing, Albina wanted me to send her blessings and thanks to "all who visit here!" Thank you and BLESSINGS to Albina for ALL f her amazing time and energy!!!