Did you know that you can get blank POP figures to make your own DIY POPS? Well, now you do! These cool all-white POPs are a splendid blank canvas for aspiring POP and model designers to unleash their creative spirit and create one-of-a-kind POPs for gifts or just for the fun of it!

When you order you will receive a male POP base in a printed window display box. The blank POP is approximately 9cm high and is made from PVC plastic. The sculpt is intentionally featureless so that you can add your own personality and style to the figure. Use modelling clay, paints, markers, and even add accessories or jewellery to bring the POP to life! Add hair, clothing, shoes and more! If you need advice on supplies or methods, check out YouTube for inspiration.

You can give the POP as a blank for a crafty friend to work with or use the DIY POP as a base to make a custom POP as a gift. Make a POP portrait of your real life friend or their favourite character, TV personality or bo